CAP Monthly ​Club Raffle

Two Red Tickets
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Raffle Funds will help with :

As one of the funders of Club Athletico ​Parceiros, I hold a profound ​appreciation for art and recognize the ​similarities between the realms of ​sports and art. To support our ​fundraising efforts, I will donate an ​original artwork each month to be ​raffled. This initiative aims to ​strengthen the connection between ​soccer and art within the San Francisco ​community. The funds raised will be ​distributed as follows: 30% to the artist, ​30% to our marketing team, and 40% to ​the club. As the raffle gains momentum, ​I look forward to featuring youth artists, ​offering them exposure and an ​opportunity to positively impact their ​community.

-- William Velasco Villa

  • Financial Aid
  • Gear and Equipment
  • Workshops
  • Field Space
  • Tournaments
  • Coaching Education
  • Youth Artist Exposure
  • Community Impact

This painting ​was raffled out ​On July 2024.

artist :